TL/DR:Creating teaser cards for social media now also works using Sharp v0.27 in your Eleventy setup.

Teaser Cards in Eleventy

Ever seen one of those fancy preview (or teaser) cards in your social media timeline? Always thought that extra effort for your own blog just doesn't pay off?
Well, I thought so too, until I read Stefan's article "11ty: Generate Twitter cards automatically".

What's included?

Of course I recommend reading Stefan's article, as I won't go into detail setting up the SVG template pagination. This blog post concentrates purely on integrating the transformation step of SVG to PNG into Eleventy, without the use of external build-pipeline tools like Gulp.


As this article mainly targets users of Eleventy, it is of course a bit biased. Nevertheless, there should be an adequate alternative on other static site generators.

The following list should contain everything you need for generating teaser cards in your Eleventy website:

That's it. All that's left is configuring Eleventy.

Using Eleventy's afterBuild event

I assume you've followed Stefan's article to the point, where the SVGs are created using Eleventy's pagination functionality. If not, I'd invite you to pay close attention to the Creating an SVG section, as this will be the base for everything that follows.

To make use of the afterBuild event, you have to register an event handler in your .eleventy.js configuration file:

// .eleventy.js
const globby = require('globby');
const { join, dirname } = require('path');
const sharp = require('sharp');

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
eleventyConfig.on('afterBuild', async () => {
const svgs = await globby('./out/posts/**/*.svg');
return Promise.all( =>
.toFile(join(dirname(p), '/teaser.png')),

The above piece of code does the following:

  1. register an async function to the afterBuild event,
  2. glob match available .svg files in the destination directory of your paginated SVG templates,
  3. iterate over resolved paths and transform them via sharp,
    • toFormat() accepts various image formats, such as png, jpeg, webp, etc... (see Sharp's documentation for supported formats). However, it's suggested to use either png or jpeg for social media images.

Try it

I created a small demo on runkit, which explains the core process of the transformation step by step. While the runkit notebook seems to work with a lower Sharp version as well, I experienced issues in combination with Eleventy on my local machine. That's why I initially suggested to use Sharp v0.27.


There you have it. Using the steps mentioned above, your Eleventy setup should be able automatically create PNG files from your paginated SVG templates when executing the build command.

⚠️ Caution: here be dragons! Sharp only supports very basic SVG to say the least. I've experienced some issues when trying to use gradients — even the font kerning is inexistent. However, if you plan to mostly use basic SVG elements styled using fill & stroke, you should be good to go.